you are in the zzcxz, a privilege not many are afforded. you have arrived from conveyance into the square (one of 6 polygonal centers of the zzcxz). a great many individuals crowd the square, perpetually in a hurry towards their respective destinations.
your business in the zzcxz (as no one could concieve of entering the zzcxz without purpose— and a significant amount of wealth) is the investigation of the murder of L.P., a low-level aristocrat. your notoriety as a freelance investigator afforded attention enough to be selected for this "honorable" (and more importantly, very well-paying) task, the resolution of this crime against a (non-notable) member of the royal family.
standing in the square, you have many options; you could take the street to your north, west, or east, but of course, you could always do something else...